Saturday, April 19, 2008

Chapter 28: We thumbed a 230 km ride!

Carlos, Spanish. a persuasive jokestar always gets his way.

Fernande, Dutch. a multilingual beauty always knows what she wants.

Miguel, Brazilian. a quiet observer never rushes in.

Toshiro, Japanese. a socializing bug needs grounded feeling.

April 19th after the morning rain has lifted, four travelers who had just met the night before at Toshiro’s live @ HIVE, find themselves at Luang Prabang south bus station with frowns in the faces. Their plan is to leave Luang Prabang for Vang Vieng, a touristy town some 230 km south of LP. The price board on the bus station says ‘Vang Vieng – 85,000K’ (1USD=8700Kip) yet, they have just been notified by the station agent that it’s actually 100,000K to go to the Vang Vieng because “this is the New Years holiday”. well, the new year’s holiday ended four days ago. (above four photos by Miguel Aflalo)

We are tired of being Farangs and being charged extra for it. So, “Thank you very much.” we say, leave the bus station and started walking down the road.

“Vang Vieng.” Toshiro holds the sign to all the trucks and cars rushing by. “How do you know that’s what it says?” asks Carlos. “What if it says ‘I hate Lao people?’”

another truck!

finally we're on the back of a Marchant's truck, going south about 3/4 of the way to Vang Vieng. that wasn't so difficult...

taking the 360 view and the wind, chilling on the back of the truck. we can't do this in an air conditioned 100,000K tourist bus.

Watch out! the daughter of the driver got sick, coming out of the right passenger window... Sabai sabai, nobody's got hit

Road is long, and curvy over the mountains. let's get some sleep before we get sick

we stop for the lunch

we stop at the roadside vegetable market

we stop to cool down overheated engine... when are we ever gonna get there?

Thank you Mr. Jo! we are at Kasi (in Spanish it means almost) another 50 km until Vang Vieng

The sun is tilting over the mountain, and the last bus from Kasi to Vang Vieng has just left. Either we find a ride or we stay the night in Kasi...

Yet another negotiation moment with Gestures, drawings, map and smiles

Mr. Noy, an established travelers agent from Vientiane is on his way back from Holiday in Luang Prabang, he's done his share of backpacking around Europe, casually let us throw our bags in the back of his brand new SUV.

and we're cruising the last 50km to Vang Vieng

*many photos in this chapter are contributed by Carlos Barrera and Miguel Aflalo

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