Thursday, March 27, 2008

Chapter 14: Good-Pai

One by one, friends start leaving Pai. Nobody is saying good-bye. You’re always outsider no matter how you try.

Ryan Tennis is headed to Bangladesh with his father for the Hunger Project.

Toshiro explains something to Colin Welsh, they met in Bangkok, and has spent weeks hanging out in Pai. Colin is going to Laos, then to south of Thailand, and Japan to follow his girlfiend. “As I say good-bye for the last time to Pai, I realized that I was really saying good-bye for the last time, because next time I come here it won’t be the same any more.” Sadly he is absolutely right.

Kittens chew on Coca-Cola’s nipples. Lek’s 7 cats (she used to have 8, but one kitten White Sox got killed by a stray dog a week ago) will be looked after by Ms. Big, our lovely neighbor.

Toshiro says good-bye to the ‘giant baby’ Nummon. Will he remember me next year?

March 27th, Toshiro plays the last live show in Phu Pai, the set list is as follows; starting solo acoustic set [1]Bob Dylan’s “Just Like A Woman” [2]Brooklyn Bound L-Train [3]Imperfectly Dead [4]T.I.P. (new song) then Note (Bass) and Richard (Drums) join and we play [5]Austin (relatively new) then Nathan (Lead Guitar) joins on [6]Buffalo Springfield’s “For What It’s Worth” [7]Tokyo Hat

Kyle appears as a guest vocal in his Canadian bluesy voice, we play [8]Rolling Stones’ “Sympathy for the Devil” then back to four of us, [9]Highway 6 Rebuilt (from last year’s Cambodian tour) Nathan takes lead vocal on [10]Neil Young’s “Helpless” then we close the set on [11]Dylan’s “Like A Rolling Stone” Thank you so much Phu Pai Bar!

Late that night Lek and I try to fly the Kom Loy up into the night sky. The first one was too large to go up and got caught in the fire, then second one couldn’t go up either… :-(

At Mr. Poj’s restaurant, all our friends gather for the lunch to say good bye and wish for the safe journey. Here my home for the last five weeks is now behind me. Good-Pai lovely paradise. See you again!

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