Thursday, February 14, 2008

Chapter 3: Rising, Falling, Sitting, Touching, Lifting, Lowering, Seeing, Knowing

February 7th, under the new Rat year's new moon, my Vipasanna insight meditation training starts. Wat Rampoeng, Chiang Mai

where young monks and nuns mindfully sweep.

I find myself this perfect meditation spot. the 2nd floor balcony of the library is filled with sacred energy.

Rule 3; say a prayer before each meal. This has been my rule since I exchanged the promises with Liz Labby in Ko Samui in 2006. Now I am equipped with this mantra in Pali. Meals in Wat Rampoeng are 6:30 AM and 10:30 AM, we eat mindfully without talking and clean our dish right after.

Rook! mixing up L and R wasn't just Japanese thing. Even Thai who have 44 different consonants sometimes can't tell L and R.

a young monk practice shooting, mindfully.

my room. as simple as a bed and a bedside table on which are water, mosquito repellent and incense sticks. my guitar, my books and my non-white clothes are all tucked away deep under the bed.

once a day you report how your practice went to Ajarn Suphan (left) and ever kind, witty and insightful translator Kun Sri (right)

February 21st, Full Moon, crowd gather for a big Buddha day. Thanks to the difficulty of obtaining Burmese visa, I happen to stay extra few days in the monastery to experience this day.

more than 2500 years ago, 1250 yogis seeking enlightenment, without communicated appointment, gathered together at the foot of tree where Buddha was meditating.

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